15 years ago
Do Animatic - No sound -
The sounds will just be the slight grunting and heaving sounds from both characters as they try to push the impossible.
Then a scraping sound like a heavy table scraping along the floor as the massive object finally moves.
As the two letters shift together at the end there will be a slight clinking sound as if two metal blocks are put together like a magnet.
Portfolio Crit
Jojo Lowes' work. <-- click to view.
Jo is a freelance Designer, but also does photography and teaches.
I went to visit her at her home and showed her my show reel, she gave me a brief critique while watching my work then sent me a message via facebook in detail on what she thought for each.
This is what she sent:
Portfolio Crit
I particularly enjoyed how the visuals “reflected” the chosen music. As the reflected images came in and out of focus the music pace and volume mirrored this with equally sensitive fade outs. The film covers a wide range of reflections both urban and natural, which all have their own unique effect which still managing to look part of an over all theme.
The piece could be developed into a further project by choosing one place and tracking the reflections that happen over a full day, possibly using stop motion.
Also as most reflections are at strongest when they are central screen adding a vignette to really bring out the main image.
If Relentless did a Fragrance:-
Good clean lines, great 3D effect, smooth transitions between movements. The colour green suggests a lack of association with a specific gender…Was this on purpose? It would be interesting to see this promo a his and hers version of the products and how this would change the overall effect.
Ghost Whisperer: The Other Side Title Sequence:
I entirely say this as a compliment, Oh my days this is one disturbing piece of film. The faded visuals on the screen are a really nice contrast to the realism of the dolls. The lighting on the faces works really well too. From a typographic point of view I would place all the type in the same place. But I really love this piece its very effective.
Kerrang Ident:
Short and sweet. Great choice of track, fit in perfectly with the end of shit explosion climax.
Doorway: Choices:
Great use of juxtaposition, combining the sharp clean furniture, blank 3D room with the paper cut Alice and piano. Great quality audio recording. Red room reflecting experiences of drug really sums up the unsteadyness and lack of control that drugs inflict on your life, this feeling is pushed further with the upside door and moving of the walls. Really love the use of mixed media and the chaos it suggests.
Jo is a freelance Designer, but also does photography and teaches.
I went to visit her at her home and showed her my show reel, she gave me a brief critique while watching my work then sent me a message via facebook in detail on what she thought for each.
This is what she sent:
Portfolio Crit
I particularly enjoyed how the visuals “reflected” the chosen music. As the reflected images came in and out of focus the music pace and volume mirrored this with equally sensitive fade outs. The film covers a wide range of reflections both urban and natural, which all have their own unique effect which still managing to look part of an over all theme.
The piece could be developed into a further project by choosing one place and tracking the reflections that happen over a full day, possibly using stop motion.
Also as most reflections are at strongest when they are central screen adding a vignette to really bring out the main image.
If Relentless did a Fragrance:-
Good clean lines, great 3D effect, smooth transitions between movements. The colour green suggests a lack of association with a specific gender…Was this on purpose? It would be interesting to see this promo a his and hers version of the products and how this would change the overall effect.
Ghost Whisperer: The Other Side Title Sequence:
I entirely say this as a compliment, Oh my days this is one disturbing piece of film. The faded visuals on the screen are a really nice contrast to the realism of the dolls. The lighting on the faces works really well too. From a typographic point of view I would place all the type in the same place. But I really love this piece its very effective.
Kerrang Ident:
Short and sweet. Great choice of track, fit in perfectly with the end of shit explosion climax.
Doorway: Choices:
Great use of juxtaposition, combining the sharp clean furniture, blank 3D room with the paper cut Alice and piano. Great quality audio recording. Red room reflecting experiences of drug really sums up the unsteadyness and lack of control that drugs inflict on your life, this feeling is pushed further with the upside door and moving of the walls. Really love the use of mixed media and the chaos it suggests.
Do lecture ideas ...
Looking at some old adverts on youtube, the John West ads made me laugh but they also gave me an idea on the salmon jumping until reaching their goal.
Making goals is one of the core ideas I have after asking people from all over the same question which they answered and most have said making goals and achieving them.
Looking at this John West advert above I remembered the new Weetabix marathon advert. With a similar idea but different humour with the witty carefree banter whilst winning a marathon.
Making goals is one of the core ideas I have after asking people from all over the same question which they answered and most have said making goals and achieving them.
Looking at this John West advert above I remembered the new Weetabix marathon advert. With a similar idea but different humour with the witty carefree banter whilst winning a marathon.
Download's Big Screen (Ian Watkins - Lostprophets)
The blog banner.

I drew all the images free hand before scanning them and then adding colour to them in on photoshop, using different layers for the different colours being used so its easier to edit around to create a vector style image.
I got the idea from an Anime called The Wallflower.

All these images I managed to put together in my own way which inspired me to create the banner at the top of my blog.
The images were researched through the search engine google (The Wallflower Anime).
The screaming people from the Anime influenced the creation of my own version of the screaming people within my blog banner.
A7X's Nightmare / Jacob's Ladder
After watching the new video Nightmare from Avenged Sevenfold (A7X). I started to mess about in photoshop and came up with this image seen below. My idea was that the pieces of film being ripped and analyzed in the same manner as if a patient has taken apart and tried to re-edit the footage leaving scraps behind on a light-box.

The idea behind the music video is living an actual Nightmare.
As the lead singer, M. Shadows (Matthew Sanders) is being pulled through halls, he notices the deceased drummer, The Rev (Jimmy Sullivan) torn down drum kit which he used during the 'City of Evil' tour. He then see's lead guitarist Synyster Gates (Brian Haner Jr.) bashing his head against the window, Rhythm guitarist Zacky Vengeance (Zachary Baker), once in a fetal position on the floor and another time waltzing with a fake skeleton, and bassist Johnny Christ (Jonathan Seward) crawling above Shadows. Near the end of the video he is led by two boys to a room, where the last drum set The Rev ever played live with the band is set up.
There are some references from previous music video's the band has done over the years, like the tarantula crawling across the drum kits was shown in the video 'Afterlife' however the tarantula was crawling along The Rev's face. Another reference from the same video is where Zacky is waltzing with his girlfriend rather than with the fake skeleton.
Also there is a smaller reference from their music video 'Bat Country' where the faces of the patients are being stretched and the priest from the music video 'Seize the Day'.
Click below to view the scene.
The Jacob's Ladder Hospital Scene.
The video is based off/influenced by the film Jacob's ladder with the hospital scene. (Said to be one of the Jimmy's favourite movies).
Similarities like the torn down drum kit in the music video is the broken bicycle in one of the rooms.
The girl in the fetal position on the floor is similar to the way Zacky is in the video.
The crawling patient on top is similar to Johnny as he does the same.
The blood on the floor.

The idea behind the music video is living an actual Nightmare.
As the lead singer, M. Shadows (Matthew Sanders) is being pulled through halls, he notices the deceased drummer, The Rev (Jimmy Sullivan) torn down drum kit which he used during the 'City of Evil' tour. He then see's lead guitarist Synyster Gates (Brian Haner Jr.) bashing his head against the window, Rhythm guitarist Zacky Vengeance (Zachary Baker), once in a fetal position on the floor and another time waltzing with a fake skeleton, and bassist Johnny Christ (Jonathan Seward) crawling above Shadows. Near the end of the video he is led by two boys to a room, where the last drum set The Rev ever played live with the band is set up.
There are some references from previous music video's the band has done over the years, like the tarantula crawling across the drum kits was shown in the video 'Afterlife' however the tarantula was crawling along The Rev's face. Another reference from the same video is where Zacky is waltzing with his girlfriend rather than with the fake skeleton.
Also there is a smaller reference from their music video 'Bat Country' where the faces of the patients are being stretched and the priest from the music video 'Seize the Day'.
Click below to view the scene.
The Jacob's Ladder Hospital Scene.
The video is based off/influenced by the film Jacob's ladder with the hospital scene. (Said to be one of the Jimmy's favourite movies).
Similarities like the torn down drum kit in the music video is the broken bicycle in one of the rooms.
The girl in the fetal position on the floor is similar to the way Zacky is in the video.
The crawling patient on top is similar to Johnny as he does the same.
The blood on the floor.
Slipknot- Psychosocial
Slipknot- Psychosocial
Director - Paul Brown
Has to be one of my favourite Videos at the moment, maybe not my favourite band but it's still a really good video creatively.
The Video was shot using high-end cameras which shoot 1,000 frames per second and are contrasted with traditional 35 mm hand crank camera equipment.
There are two versions of the video. One uses the album version of the song, whilst the other uses a much shorter version of the song. On YouTube one of the many videos of the song had gained over 17 million views, before it was removed in December due to a dispute between Roadrunner Records' distributor, Warner Music Group, and YouTube.
Its obviously back on Youtube.
Some Music videos ... by Tony Petrossian
Stone Sour - Through glass
Directed - Tony Petrossian
Stone Sour's clever new video for the radio hit "Through Glass" takes a super-ironic dig at all things plastic and transparent in the not-so-mythical land of 'Hollowood'.
I love how Tony Petrossian portrayed this in a way to make the audience connected to the message and make them realize that Hollywood is just a place where people want to belong but have to be fake to do so.
Avenged Sevenfold - Beast And The Harlot
Directed - Tony Petrossian
One of my favourite bands, this song is pretty dark when you take it apart but yeah i like the style of the video and the quirkiness to it.
Stone Sour and Avenged Sevenfold are due to do a co-headlining UK tour in October and November.
Theme of Idea - Dorito
The idea behind my Dorito is that there is a couple at the cinema who are actually Doritos.

I was playing with the idea that Doritos are like cinema snacks and that outside the actual bag they are really at the cinema and the music you hear is the actual film.
I found you can slightly see through the bag if you shine a light to it or is directed near light, so the doritos were watching the film as well.

I also played with the idea of having that annoying person always asking questions about the film they are watching and never shutting up and just enjoy it, or disturbing people as they try and enjoy the film aswell.

I was playing with the idea that Doritos are like cinema snacks and that outside the actual bag they are really at the cinema and the music you hear is the actual film.
I found you can slightly see through the bag if you shine a light to it or is directed near light, so the doritos were watching the film as well.

I also played with the idea of having that annoying person always asking questions about the film they are watching and never shutting up and just enjoy it, or disturbing people as they try and enjoy the film aswell.

Thoughtful lecture.
We were asked to do produce a 15 second ident and a 5 second ident for Do lectures.
We went to the fifth floor to talk about who are our inspirations in life to drive us to do things.
I mentioned my mother as a huge influence in life as she went from being a nurse to a single mum of three to a student again, being a training teacher to being a full time lecturer at a college, educating national diploma and introductory diploma students in health and social care.
She bounced back from nothing and she has been with me all the way and encouraged to do what I wanted, and helped me stay on track, otherwise I don't think I would of come this far in education after school and would of ended up not doing what I wanted and be miserable.
I found the morning intriguing and it helped with a few things, like it gave me a few ideas, like no matter how little the thing is, it always leaves a big impact in someones life and pushes them to do what they really want to instead of doing something they are not really happy about.
We were asked to do produce a 15 second ident and a 5 second ident for Do lectures.
We went to the fifth floor to talk about who are our inspirations in life to drive us to do things.
I mentioned my mother as a huge influence in life as she went from being a nurse to a single mum of three to a student again, being a training teacher to being a full time lecturer at a college, educating national diploma and introductory diploma students in health and social care.
She bounced back from nothing and she has been with me all the way and encouraged to do what I wanted, and helped me stay on track, otherwise I don't think I would of come this far in education after school and would of ended up not doing what I wanted and be miserable.
I found the morning intriguing and it helped with a few things, like it gave me a few ideas, like no matter how little the thing is, it always leaves a big impact in someones life and pushes them to do what they really want to instead of doing something they are not really happy about.
Died Young, Stayed pretty.

We went down to the lecture theater to watch this DVD.
It was about the culture and the posters of the underground music scene.
I thought the DVD was good, and I loved the art work, and it was amusing at times but I felt like it could of been better with the interviews and make it less boring to watch
but the things that were mentioned seemed relevant to me personally.
London trip
Double Negative.
While going to London, we had a choice to visit two companies, one being We are seventeen and the other Double Negative, I chose to go with the latter.
We were shown around by Vic who is head of HR and she showed us where they produce the 3D and 2D effects they do with films and such.
Vic told us that their are five floors to Double Negative and started out as a small number of people and has grown to a big company.
Near the end they showed us a show reel of their work and asked us questions on what we were working on at the moment.
Shellsuit Zombie.
In the Evening we got to meet post-grads Shellsuit Zombie, three guys and one girl.
They set us a task to sell one thing to someone that is associated with a particular target audience. So we had to pick two pieces of paper like a lucky dip and work with what we got. Although my group didn't present I found it fun, even if I was too tired to enjoy it at the time. Watching the other groups present theirs was entertaining and amusing to watch and was a really good laugh. Also learned a lot from the experience and got to hear what the guys at Shellsuit got up too after the graduated.
There was also this scrap book that was passed around and you got to fill a page with anything you wanted. However I never got the chance to do anything, too many people hogged in so little time and it just never got done, but it was an awesome idea and I think it would be good if we did that ourselves and have the book stay in our room for other students, past or new to put their memories of their time on the course and what they got up to after.
While going to London, we had a choice to visit two companies, one being We are seventeen and the other Double Negative, I chose to go with the latter.
We were shown around by Vic who is head of HR and she showed us where they produce the 3D and 2D effects they do with films and such.
Vic told us that their are five floors to Double Negative and started out as a small number of people and has grown to a big company.
Near the end they showed us a show reel of their work and asked us questions on what we were working on at the moment.
Shellsuit Zombie.
In the Evening we got to meet post-grads Shellsuit Zombie, three guys and one girl.
They set us a task to sell one thing to someone that is associated with a particular target audience. So we had to pick two pieces of paper like a lucky dip and work with what we got. Although my group didn't present I found it fun, even if I was too tired to enjoy it at the time. Watching the other groups present theirs was entertaining and amusing to watch and was a really good laugh. Also learned a lot from the experience and got to hear what the guys at Shellsuit got up too after the graduated.
There was also this scrap book that was passed around and you got to fill a page with anything you wanted. However I never got the chance to do anything, too many people hogged in so little time and it just never got done, but it was an awesome idea and I think it would be good if we did that ourselves and have the book stay in our room for other students, past or new to put their memories of their time on the course and what they got up to after.
Click ---> DO Research-Jenny

In our final piece you will be able to hear violin music playing softly in the background
Also the sounds of a match being lit and wine glassing clinging together
then there will be a female voice over near the end saying "What ever you do, do it well"
and some outside noise.
I got the idea of a couple dressed in formal wear in a small dingy cafe when I went to a Fast Food restaurant and saw two people dressed in formal wear one night and thought it was a nice twist in things and tried to portray that in this 15 second clip.

In our final piece you will be able to hear violin music playing softly in the background
Also the sounds of a match being lit and wine glassing clinging together
then there will be a female voice over near the end saying "What ever you do, do it well"
and some outside noise.
I got the idea of a couple dressed in formal wear in a small dingy cafe when I went to a Fast Food restaurant and saw two people dressed in formal wear one night and thought it was a nice twist in things and tried to portray that in this 15 second clip.
Doritos Brief
For this brief I looked into the style in which I wish to answer it.
on Youtube I stumbled across this channel called the realannoyingorange.

I decided to mix stop motion and live action.
The live action is the mouth and the eyes,
and the Stop motion is the Dorito itself.
However with the annoying orange the person who created it only used live action, the orange it self does not move during his sketches however the mouth and eyes do. he duplicates one of the eyes instead of using both.
I chose to use both eyes.
Using stop motion for this is proven difficult with matching the faces with the actual Doritos as they moved.

I also looked into MightBoosh's character "The Moon" as a reference to a similar style.
on Youtube I stumbled across this channel called the realannoyingorange.

I decided to mix stop motion and live action.
The live action is the mouth and the eyes,
and the Stop motion is the Dorito itself.
However with the annoying orange the person who created it only used live action, the orange it self does not move during his sketches however the mouth and eyes do. he duplicates one of the eyes instead of using both.
I chose to use both eyes.
Using stop motion for this is proven difficult with matching the faces with the actual Doritos as they moved.

I also looked into MightBoosh's character "The Moon" as a reference to a similar style.

Halestorm - I get off
Thinking of using 10 seconds of this video in my ident. There is really good bit near the beginning before the chorus kicks in which I could use. I think it might be really effective.
Marble Arch on fire - the Supernatural projection for LIVING
The Supernatural projection of the gates of hell on Marble Arch.
LIVING pulled off an amazing projection stunt in London – where Marble Arch turned into the gates of hell to promote the new series of Supernatural on Living TV!
I love how creative this is just to promote a programme.
LIVING ident paint fight
LIVING XMAS Ident & Hit and run.
LIVING Ident November 2009 to Present - Impossible
LIVING Ident November 2009 to present - purple.
LIVING Ident Novemebr 2009 to present - green.
LIVING Ident November 2009 to Present - Domino
LIVING Ident - Hangover TV
LIVING XMAS Ident & Hit and run.
LIVING Ident November 2009 to Present - Impossible
LIVING Ident November 2009 to present - purple.
LIVING Ident Novemebr 2009 to present - green.
LIVING Ident November 2009 to Present - Domino
LIVING Ident - Hangover TV
Shriek - Kerrang! idents
Shriek is a multi award winning and one of London’s leading music production houses, established for over five years. During that time we have built up a broad international client base in the television and advertising industries.
for more info go to www.shriek-music.com
Shriek : Kerrang '07 Blasted
Shriek : Kerrang 07 Death Ray
Shriek : Kerrang 07 Explosions
Shriek : Kerrang 07 Hover Board
Shriek : Kerrang 07 Kiss
Shriek : Kerrang 07 Morphing
Shriek : Kerrang 07 Martial Arts
Shriek : Kerrang '07 Raygun
Shriek is a multi award winning and one of London’s leading music production houses, established for over five years. During that time we have built up a broad international client base in the television and advertising industries.
for more info go to www.shriek-music.com
Shriek : Kerrang '07 Blasted
Shriek : Kerrang 07 Death Ray
Shriek : Kerrang 07 Explosions
Shriek : Kerrang 07 Hover Board
Shriek : Kerrang 07 Kiss
Shriek : Kerrang 07 Morphing
Shriek : Kerrang 07 Martial Arts
Shriek : Kerrang '07 Raygun
Kerrang TV idents.
Kerrang Idents - Andy Martin.
Kerrang Idents - Marco ammannati. "On air identity"
Kerrang! 'lift' Launch ad - ODD
Kerrang! top 20 rock deaths ident. - Marco Ammannati.
Kerrang!/relentless Tour Idents - played between the sets. - Peter Dunphy.
Kerrang! 105.2 Idents - ODD
Kerrang! Launch Ident.
The launch of the music channel Kerrang on 2nd April 2001.
Kerrang! Idents from Andy Martin on Vimeo.
Kerrang Idents - Marco ammannati. "On air identity"
Kerrang! - On Air Identity from marco ammannati on Vimeo.
Kerrang! 'lift' Launch ad - ODD
Kerrang! 'Lift' Launch Ad from ODD on Vimeo.
Kerrang! top 20 rock deaths ident. - Marco Ammannati.
Top 20 Rock Deaths - Show Opener from marco ammannati on Vimeo.
Kerrang!/relentless Tour Idents - played between the sets. - Peter Dunphy.
Kerrang! Tour Animation from Peter Dunphy on Vimeo.
Kerrang! 105.2 Idents - ODD
Kerrang! 105.2 Idents from ODD on Vimeo.
Kerrang! Launch Ident.
The launch of the music channel Kerrang on 2nd April 2001.
Scuzz TV
Scuzz Showreel May 09. a short history on the channel and its new website, this shows small examples of the channels idents.
Scuzz Branding. Jon Yeo 2003. from Jon Yeo on Vimeo.
The first Idents for the channel. created by Jon Yeo.
couldnt find recent idents for the channel.
Ideas inspired by ads "Cream Egg" ...
Cream Egg Blender
Cream Egg Bin Lid - [similar to the Ribena advert Liquidator]
Cream Egg whisk
Cream Egg Foot Pump
Cream Egg Bin Lid - [similar to the Ribena advert Liquidator]
Cream Egg whisk
Cream Egg Foot Pump
Feel Good Drinks
Feel Good Drinks- "Our brand new TV ad features these lovelable gnomes, created by one of our drinkers. To find out more visit http://www.feelgooddrinks.c... and watch our 'behind the scenes' video. Enjoy!"
"Meet Debbie, the drinker who first created our gnomes and the rest of the team behind our ad. Plus find out a few animation tricks of the trade.. enjoy!
To celebrate the launch of our first ever TV ads, we'll donate 50p per view to Cancer Research, for the first 10,000 views of this link in May. It's our way of spreading a little feelgoodness! So sit back and enjoy... then spread the word!
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