The idea behind the music video is living an actual Nightmare.
As the lead singer, M. Shadows (Matthew Sanders) is being pulled through halls, he notices the deceased drummer, The Rev (Jimmy Sullivan) torn down drum kit which he used during the 'City of Evil' tour. He then see's lead guitarist Synyster Gates (Brian Haner Jr.) bashing his head against the window, Rhythm guitarist Zacky Vengeance (Zachary Baker), once in a fetal position on the floor and another time waltzing with a fake skeleton, and bassist Johnny Christ (Jonathan Seward) crawling above Shadows. Near the end of the video he is led by two boys to a room, where the last drum set The Rev ever played live with the band is set up.
There are some references from previous music video's the band has done over the years, like the tarantula crawling across the drum kits was shown in the video 'Afterlife' however the tarantula was crawling along The Rev's face. Another reference from the same video is where Zacky is waltzing with his girlfriend rather than with the fake skeleton.
Also there is a smaller reference from their music video 'Bat Country' where the faces of the patients are being stretched and the priest from the music video 'Seize the Day'.
Click below to view the scene.
The Jacob's Ladder Hospital Scene.
The video is based off/influenced by the film Jacob's ladder with the hospital scene. (Said to be one of the Jimmy's favourite movies).
Similarities like the torn down drum kit in the music video is the broken bicycle in one of the rooms.
The girl in the fetal position on the floor is similar to the way Zacky is in the video.
The crawling patient on top is similar to Johnny as he does the same.
The blood on the floor.